Michigan HealthLink (MHL) is working to impact visits to local emergency departments. While Emergency Departments (EDs) treat individuals requiring immediate and necessary medical care, EDs also see preventable and non-emergent visits that may be managed by primary care providers.
We combine research and experience to offer real-world interventions to positively impact patient use of emergency services for non-urgent conditions. These ideas are options, not one-size fits all! Based on physician input, administrative expertise, and data analytics we are pleased to offer this to MHL.
Consider these questions and help us implement this meaningful work.
- Why is this important? Read a personal communication from MHL physician leadership involved in this work.
- What can I do? Select from a list of options to introduce in your medical practice.
- How do I do it? Read summarized research and evidence that offer vetted ways to implement each option.
- Is it working? Email MHL your feedback, we want to hear from you as a learning community.
Here are a few quick links to reference:
- Greater Detroit Health Council: I'm Sick or Hurt: Where do I go?
- Robert Wood-Johnson Foundation: Reducing Avoidable ER Visits, A Guide for Primary Care
- Scheduling Simplification Strategies: Simplified Patient Scheduling or Reduce Scheduling Complexity
- Patient Outreach Templates: Adult Medicine or Family Medicine/Pediatrics
- After-Hours Template: Sample Telephone Script
- MI Blues Perspective article: A Guide to the ER: When to Go, When Not to Go